Art of Scent

Editorial / Book Design
Layout Design

Laser Cutting
Art of Scent is a 100 page, hand-bound book that I designed and produced. The book explores the role of scent in the world of art i.e., olfactory art. After having taken a class on olfactory art I was inspired to research on this topic and present the findings of my inquiry in a book format. By employing specific design choices like printing on Mylar (translucent paper), laser engraving, utilizing radial typesetting and  bookbinding techniques (kettle stitching), I attempted to visually represent the invisible and ephemeral nature of the scent. I created this book to bring to light the rather unspoken world of scent and make it more open and accessible. 

The image on the left is the book cover and back cover, it was laser engraved on Bristol paper to bring about a relief effect and activate the readers’ senses.  Images on the right are the dedication spreads which represent the ‘act of revealing.’

The book also includes an interview with Alexis Karl, one of the few Olfactory Artists in the country. She talks about how she first got introduced to the field of olfactory art and what scent means to her. Some of the spreads here are printed on mylar paper and the layout of the text attempts to visually represent the nature of scent as it diffuses into the air. 

A short video of the book from front to back. Music Credits: BLOT (Basic Love of Things).